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    Engagement politique, action directe, pouvoir, droits de l'homme, les mouvements sociaux, le développement durable, de la justice et éducation pour la paix

    المشاركة السياسية والعمل المباشر، والسلطة، وحقوق الإنسان والحركات الاجتماعية والتنمية المستدامة، والعدل والتعليم السلام

    Политическое участие, прямое действие, власть, права человека, социальные движения, устойчивого развития, юстиции и образования в интересах мира

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    Engajamento político, Ação Direta, Poder, Direitos Humanos, Movimentos Sociais, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Justiça e Educação para a Paz

    राजनीतिक सगाई, प्रत्यक्ष लड़ाई, ऊर्जा, मानव अधिकार, सामाजिक आंदोलनों, सतत विकास, न्याय और शांति शिक्षा

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    Friday, December 10, 2010

    Free e-Materials & Books on Peace and Conflict Resolution

    1. 3 P Human Security: Partners for Peacebuilding Policy.
    2. The 2010 Humanitarian Accountability Report.
    3. Albert Einstein Institution, Free Resources on Nonviolence
    4. Bartkowski, M. (2013). Recovering Non-Violence: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
    5. Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation II.

    6. CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING. (2012). Migration and New International Actors: An Old Phenomenon Seen With New Eyes. Editor Maria Eugenia Cruset. Isbn13: 978-1-4438-3457-5. Isbn: 1-4438-3457-2
    7. The CANVAS Core Curriculum provides a wealth of information on a broad range of topics relevant to waging nonviolent conflict.
    8. Care. (2012). Guidance for designing, monitoring and evaluating peacebuilding projects: Using theories of change. London: Care.
    9. Care. (2012). Peacbuilding with Impact: Defining Theories of Change. London: Care.
    10. Cartoon Movement. Masterpeace.
    11. The Center for International Conflict Resolution (CICR). (2011). The Evolution of Conflict and its Implications for Peacemaking: Summary of CICR Experts Retreat. New York: Columbia University. The actual report can be downloaded from http://www.cicr-columbia.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Final-ExpertRetreatSummarySpring2011.pdf .
    12. Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (the HD Centre)publications.Geneva, Switzerland: CHD.
    13. Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR. South Africa.
    14. The Environmental Law Institute (ELI), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the University of Tokyo and McGill University. Various books on Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Natural Resource Management.
    15. Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (the HD Centre). (2011). Negotiating Ceasefires: Dilemmas and options for mediators. Geneva, Switzerland: CHD.
    16. Coburn, Noah. (2013). Informal Justice and the International Community in Afghanistan. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Institute of Peace.
    17. Conciliation Resources (CR). U.K.
    18. Conciliation Resources (CR). U.K. Accord: an international review of peace initiatives.
    19. Conciliation Resources (CR). U.K. Accord Philippines-Mindanao project.
    20. Conciliation Resources (CR). U.K. Paix sans frontières: building peace across borders.
    21. Cost of War to the United States
    22. Conflict Resolution Education Connection
    23. Escola de Cultura de Pau. (2011). Peace Education Games and Activities Resource Bank.
    24. Geneva Centre for Security Policy. World Views : Negotiating the North Korean Nuclear Issue. GCSP Geneva Paper – Research Series n°12.
    25. George Mason University. Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Newsletter.
    26. Human Rights Watch. (2013). Death from the Skies: Deliberate and Indiscriminate Air Strikes on Civilians.
    27. Institute for Economics and Peace. (2011). Global Peace Index (GPI).
    28. International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect.
    29. Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). Peace Education Programme.
    30. International Crisis Group. (2011). The Philippines: Indigenous Rights and the MILF Peace Process.
    31. IPSI Peace & Security Report
    32. Instituted for Economics & Peace. The Building Blocks of Peace
    33. Institute for Economics & Peace. (2010). Global Peace Index Peace Indicators 2010
    34. Institute for Economics & Peace. (2010 October). Measuring peace in the media. Sydney, Australia & Washington,D.C.: Institute for Economics & Peace.
    35. The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). (2010). Learning is Their Future: Darfuri Refugees in Chad.
    36. Justice & Peace Project. Annual Reports. JRP promotes locally sensitive and sustainable peace in Africa's Great Lakes region by
      focusing on the active involvement of grassroots communities in local-level transitional justice.
    37. Kate Lefko-Everett, Rorisang Lekalake,Erica Penfold and Sana Rais. (2010). SA Reconciliation Barometer Report 2010. South Africa: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation.
    38. Life and Peace Institute. (2/2011). New Routes.
    39. Open Society Foundations. (2011). The Cost of Kill/Capture: Impact of the Night Raid Surge on Afghan Civilians.
    40. Oxfam International. (2013). Syria: Overtaken By Need The world’s failure to meet Syria’s escalating humanitarian crisis.
    41. Paix sans frontières: building peace across borders Report.
    42. Peace Action Education Fund & Peace Action West. (2009). Congressional Voting Record for the 111th Congress, 2009.
    43. Peace Direct. (2011). Coming Home: A Case Study of Community Led Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration in DR Congo.
    44. Peace Magazine (2013 January). Jolo: Notre Dame of Jolo and Ateneo Psychology Department.
    45. Peace Wiki.
    46. Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARC) at the Maxwell School, Syracuse University Listing of Publications
    47. Saferworld. (2011). Creating Safer Communities in Bangladesh.
    48. School of the Americas Watch ¡Presente!
    49. Search for Common Ground
    50. Teachers Without Borders Resources
    51. Teachers Without Borders' The Voice of Teachers Journal
    52. United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) Resources.
    53. United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO). (2011). Ten-year Impact Study on Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security in Peacekeeping.
    54. TransConflict: Draft Principles of Conflict Transformation. Serbia.
    55. United Nations Development Programme. (1994). New dimensions of human security. Chapter 2. Human development report. (pp. 22-46). New York: UNDP.
    56. La Trobe University Institute for Human Security, Australia. "The U.N. Commission on Human Security has defined it “as far more than the absence of violent conflict. It encompasses human rights, good governance and access to economic opportunity, education and health care.” This is based on an earlier UNDP definition that includes seven clusters, namely economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community and political security (see UNDP Human Development report 1994 for details - PDF 4.7MB). These definitions cover the full range of security aspects from the essentials for bare life (food and shelter) to the safeguarding of citizen’s rights to adequate health care and civil liberties." (pp. 22-46). New York: UNDP.
    57. United Nations. (2013). Online Peacemaker Website with a Database of 750 Documents / Peace Agreements.
    58. United States Institute for Peace (USIP). (2011). Peacebuilding Tookit for Educators - Middle School Edition. Washington, D.C.: USIP.
    59. University for Peace. (2005). A glossary of terms in peace and conflict studies.
    60. University for Peace books.
    61. Walker, P. & Russ, C. (2010). Professionalizing the Humanitarian Sector: A Scoping Study. London, United Kingdom: Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance (ELRHA).
    62. War Is A Crime
    63. World Development Report. 2011.
    64. Craig Zelizer. (2010 November). Laughing our Way to Peace or War: Humour and Peacebuilding. Jounal of Conflictology, 1(2), 1-9.
    65. Zeliger, C. & Johnston, L. (2005). Skills, Networks, & Knowledge: Developing a Career in International Peace & Conflict Resolution. Alexandria, VA: Alliance for Conflict Transformation (ACT), Inc.
    66. Zeliger, C. & Johnston, L. (2010). Guide to Careers in the CR Field/Additional Resources (Including Newly Expanded List of Key Job Websites)

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